Friday, December 4, 2009

2 Year and 6 Month Check Ups

Cohen was 10% for weight at 24.4 lbs.- yeah at least he is on the charts. 78% height at 34 inches and 66% head size. He is healthy and looks great. He does need to gain weight since his percentages aren't in the same range- it is always a work in progress.
In this picture he is singing Frosty the Snowman- it goes like this Frosty the noseman has happy jolly soul, mumble mumble mumble and then he starts all over again. It is so freaking cute.

Carson is 71% weight at 18.8 lbs, 81% height at 27 1/2 inches and 65% head size. He always seems to have some kind of issue at these appointments. 1. BRONCHITIS- what? Poor baby I just thought he was stuffy, but I guess it is junky in his lungs, what does that mean? Nebulizer treatments at home every six hours- super fun. 2. EAR INFECTION- what again? What am I the worst mom and have no idea he was this sick? So what does this mean oh yes 10 days of antibiotics. 3. SHOTS- I hate shots it means fevers and cranky baby. Along with this are his teeth just about to erupt, and eczema which is a lot better but still an issue. So my life consists of Carson waking up having a nebulizer breathing treatment, shoving antibiotics down his throat, washing his hair ad putting like 3 lotions on him and then shoving tylenol down his throat- then it all happens again at night-pretty sure I can't wait for this routine to end!
What makes it all worth it- look at my cute happy baby. He is up a lot at night, but can you blame the poor kid he can't be very comfortable. I seriously adore this happy boy- I can't squeeze and hug him enough! He is just such an angel.

I love both my awesome boys- I feel so lucky to have them!


Adam and Sherry said...

OK Poor baby!!! I hate shots!! But to have everything on top of that. And breathing treatments suck but they make them feel better so fast. And can I just say that when you said how much Cohen weighed I think my jaw hit the floor :) Not that there is anything wrong with it. My girls have been that tiny too I think Lindsay weighed about that at her 2 year but it just shocked me that Matthew is heavier than him :) They are both so adorable!!!! And I am happy that their checkups were good :)

Amy said...

Poor little Carson! I hope he feels better soon! Sometimes they don't act that cranky, so you don't even realize how sick they are. and sometimes they act way crankier than they are sick... so it's hard to guage. I guess that's what well-baby checks are for!

And the weight gaining issue? Yeah, the story of my kids' lives. It's sad that I am secretly thrilled beyond compare when they actually register on the charts. Height and head are always normal to high though. But oh that weight. Oh well. Can't help the genetics.

Eric and Suzanne said...

Crystal, these two are some of the happiest kids on the planet. THey are adorable!!! :) Glad Carson is doing so much better. I just love those little boys!

Kristen said...

Poor Carson, I'm sure he'll get better soon though- they always seem to have rough patches where everything hits them at once!