Look at that happy face!
Cohen got a bike form Santa- can you tell he was excited. Carson got and activity center and sports arena. To be honest I don't have any pictures of Carson on Christmas morning- it's probably because I was taking pictures and holding Carson and Steve was video taping. So we do have lots of video of Carson Christmas morning. He was loving his toys and all the paper. Carson got overwhelmed by everything really fast and so he took a nap pretty early this morning. Cohen is still playing with toys right now and loving all of them.
One of the biggest hits of the morning was the gifts form Grandma and Grandpa Brough- they got Cohen a Little People Garage and Carson A Little People Noah's Ark. Of coarse Cohen LOVED his garage and has been playing with it like crazy. He also thinks Carson's toys are his and when we say no that is Carson's he says "no". That will be a work in progress.
Steve and I really enjoy watching our boys on Christmas morning- we always have a great time. Top it off with some orange rolls and it is awesome!