So I don't really have anything to blog about but thought I needed to throw a couple pictures of some things we have been doing. And some random pictures.....
Like this one- I just love the moments where they snuggle- yep this makes my mornings when I come out and see this!
I don't know if I have mentioned that I LOVE target! Yep it's true.... my name is Crystal and I am addicted to Target! It helps that my boys love it too. Like Cohen's hairstyle? He is styling!
And Carson thinks this should be his pumpkin this year.....yeah not so much!
My mom came for a couple of days and we went to see Starlight Express- the boys LOVED it so much!!!
Carson decided to be the Lone Ranger for Halloween (I have had to give up the fact that they are old enough to choose their costumes and I can't choose cute little puffy animal costumes anymore). He sure is cute though! Cohen is going to be Han Solo from Star Wars but his costume hasn't come yet.
Every Saturday is now filled with soccer games!
This Monday we all had flu shots. Thank heavens Steve helped strap the boys down while they were kicking and flailing- and I left the room..... mommy can't handle it!!! But they sure like the bribes afterwards.
Um..... I just saw this picture in my phone- it cracks me up!
After Starlight Express Carson has been "rollerskating" on legos- um yeah I know! So my mom bought these cute roller-skates for Carson and a scooter for Cohen- they came yesterday and the boys are having so much fun!
I have to say Steve is the best dad ever. I wanted to have Cohen read and put the boys to bed early last night and he wanted to roast starbursts with the boys (the weather here is amazing right now). I love how he lives in the moment. That is how fun memories are made and I love how he is the fun parent and serious mommy parent just needs to let go and enjoy great moments like this one! Of course we still had to read before bed, and then went to bed a little late, but it was so worth it!