Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sacrament Cups

Okay no pictures, but I have the cutest story I want to remember. We have one of those thermometers that beeps in your ears with the plastic covers on them. So since there has been sickness in my house the thermometer is always out. 
Cohen thinks it is awesome and loves to make it beep. So he was in the living room playing with it and he likes to take the plastic cover off and then put it back on and say I did it- so proud of himself. 
So I walk into the room and he hands me the "cup" and says more water please. More water? He thinks it is the sacrament water cup and wants more water. So I had to humor him and I went and filled it up with water, so of course I had to do it like 10 times. But he got this huge smile on his face everytime. I love how much these cute innocent children remember- so sweet.

1 comment:

Adam and Sherry said...

I am so sorry they have been sick. I swear it is like winter never ended this year. But I LOVE the story. My kids always like to play with the plastic thing but none have been so creative to think of it as a sacrament cup. So cute!!!