Thursday, October 27, 2011

Waiting for Lola

Our sweet Lola was 5 days late... so while we were all anxiously waiting for her we had to entertain ourselves with some fun.....especially Heather! We had baking days, went shopping at the mall and Gardner village, ate lots and just hung out! Here a couple pictures of our adventures!
Uncle Danny squishing that cute chubby face- they came and gave the boys halloween stickers and a Scooby doo book for Cohen after his chin accident!
Reading books we got from story book nook at Gardner Village
Playing at the mall- also on the carousel and train- too much fun!

And is anyone else impressed with these stick figures Cohen drew- I totally am!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

So fun- I'm sure Heather was glad for the distractions while she was just waiting and waiting! Can't wait to see Lola in person!!!