Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pumpkins, Hallomeen, and so much more

Cohen is still totally obsessed with Hallomeen as he calls it. This morning he was saying Hallomeen hallomeen and then he would say trick or treat. For some reason he just loves it. I have been trying to tell him that Thankgiving is next and he should say gobble gobble for a turkey. And he will and then immediately after he says Hallomeen. I have also been trying to teach him about Christmas- I did get him to say Santa says HO HO HO!
The other super funny thing Cohen is doing right now is making animal noises. What does a pig say Cohen- oink oink, what does a horse say Cohen- meigh, what does a cow say Cohen- boo, what does a apple say Cohen- mmmmm- hahaha!!! Steve and I ask him that all the time because it is sooo funny. Didn't you know apples made a sound!?!
The other thing he loves are pumpkins. He has been asking Steve to help him carry this pumpkin around which Steve was more than willing after Cohen says "help you peese" Meaning he wants Steve to help him. But after like 10 trips around the house Steve finally told him no more. So Cohen proceeded to roll the pumpkin around the house it was a lot of work but he loved it.
Cohen also plays with "baby's water" which means baby's bath tub. He thinks it's a boat- I love the imagination!

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