Saturday, June 7, 2014

Happy Birthday Grandma Bowers- We Love You

I just wanted to do a quick post for my Grandma Bowers on her birthday today! I sure love you! I am so grateful for her and her example of how to enjoy life's joys! She has been present at every major event in my life and that has always meant so much to me (remember when you surprised me at the Bountiful temple when I got out my endowments)?
Every time we visit you always make everything so special- you are the best hostess! I love your outgoing personality! I love that you still get down with the Great Grandkids and play games and build puzzles- you are the best!
You are very loved and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
(and btw I am realizing how few pictures I have of you- somehow you get out of having them taken ;)

 See what I mean- we come visit and we have delicious donuts- we love to come visit!


Unknown said...

What a great tribute!

Denise said...

I love your grandma, too. She is such a sweet lady and ALWAYS smiling or laughing!